Source code for parrot.process_input_data

Module with functions for processing an input datafile into a PyTorch-compatible

idptools-parrot was developed by the Holehouse lab
     Original release ---- 2020

Question/comments/concerns? Raise an issue on github:

Licensed under the MIT license. 

import math

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import Dataset

from parrot import encode_sequence, parrot_exceptions
from import dataset_warnings

# .................................................................
[docs]def read_tsv_raw(tsvfile, delimiter=None): """ Internal function for parsing a tsv file. Ignores empty lines and allows for comment lines (lines that start with a # symbol). Does not do any other sanity checking, however. Parameters ---------- tsvfile : str Path to a whitespace-separated datafile delimiter : str or None Allows you to define the string to split columns in the file. Default is any whitespace character. Default = None (any whitespace). Returns ----------- list Returns a list of strings where each element in the list """ # read in file with open(tsvfile) as fh: content = fh.readlines() # parse through based on delimiter. Note if delimiter=None then # this uses the default lines = [] for line in content: # skip empty lines if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue # skip comment lines if line.strip()[0] == '#': continue lines.append(line.strip().split(delimiter)) return lines
# ................................................................. # # def __parse_lines(lines, datatype, validate=True): """ Internal function for parsing a set of lines Parameters ---------- lines : list A list of lists, where the sublists reflect the columns in a tsvfile. Should be the output from the read_tsv_raw() function. datatype : str Identifier that defines the type of data being passed in. Must be either 'residues', 'sequence' validate : bool If set to true, ensures the number of residue values equals the number of residues Returns ----------- list Returns a parsed list of lists, where each sublist contains the structure [id, sequence, <data>] where <data> is either a single float (mode=sequence) or a set of floats Raises --------- Exception If an error occurs while parsing the file, the linenumber of the file is printed as well as the idenity of the offending line. """ # check the datatype is valid if datatype not in ['residues','sequence']: raise ValueError('Invalid datatype. Must be "residues" or "sequence".') # parse the lines try: data = [] lc = 0 # A value for each residue in a sequence if datatype == 'residues': for x in lines: lc = lc + 1 residue_data = np.array(x[2:], dtype=float) data.append([x[0], x[1], residue_data]) # A single value per sequence elif datatype == 'sequence': for x in lines: lc = lc + 1 data.append([x[0], x[1], float(x[2])]) except Exception as e: print('Excecption raised on parsing input file...') print(e) print('') raise parrot_exceptions.IOExceptionParrot(f"Input data is not correctly formatted for datatype '{datatype}'.\nMake sure your datafile does not have empty lines at the end of the file.\nError on line {lc}:\n{x}") # if we want to validate each line if validate: if datatype == 'residues': lc = 0 for x in data: lc = lc + 1 if len(x[1]) != len(x[2]): raise parrot_exceptions.IOExceptionParrot(f"Input data is not correctly formatted for datatype '{datatype}'.\nInconsistent number of residue values and residues. Error on line {lc}:\n{x}") return data # ................................................................. # #
[docs]def parse_file(tsvfile, datatype, problem_type, num_classes, excludeSeqID=False, ignoreWarnings=False): """Parse a datafile containing sequences and values. Each line of of the input tsv file contains a sequence of amino acids, a value (or values) corresponding to that sequence, and an optional sequence ID. This file will be parsed into a more convenient list of lists. If excludeSeqID is False, then the format of each line in the file should be: <seqID> <sequence> <value(s)> If excludeSeqID is True, then the format of each line in the file should be: <sequence> <value(s)> `value(s)` will either be a single number if `datatype` is 'sequence' or a len(sequence) series of whitespace-separated numbers if it is 'residues'. If `problem_type` is 'regression', then each value can be any real number. But if it is 'classification' then each value should be an integer in the range [0-N] where N is the number of classes. Parameters ---------- tsvfile : str Path to a whitespace-separated datafile datatype : str Description of the format of the values in `tsvfile`. Providing a string other than 'sequence' or 'residues' will produce unintended behavior. problem_type : str Description of the machine-learning task. Providing a string other than 'regression' or 'classification' will produce unintended behavior. excludeSeqID : bool, optional Boolean indicating whether or not each line in `tsvfile` has a sequence ID (default is False) ignoreWarnings : bool, optional If False, assess the structure and balance of the provided dataset with basic heuristics and display warnings for common issues. Returns ------- list of lists A list representing the entire `tsvfile`. Each inner list corresponds to a single line in the file and has the format [seqID, sequence, values]. """ # read in and parse the TSV file. lines = read_tsv_raw(tsvfile) # Add a dummy seqID if none are provided if excludeSeqID: for line in lines: line.insert(0, '') data = __parse_lines(lines, datatype) if not ignoreWarnings: # Check for identical sequences dataset_warnings.check_duplicate_sequences(data) # Check for class imbalance if problem_type == 'classification': dataset_warnings.check_class_imbalance(data) # Check for data distribution imbalance elif problem_type == 'regression': dataset_warnings.check_regression_imbalance(data) # if we're doing a classification problem... if problem_type == 'classification': # if a sequence classification if datatype == 'sequence': for sample in data: sample[2] = int(sample[2]) # Validate that all of the class labels are valid if sample[2] >= num_classes or sample[2] < 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid class label on entry {sample[0]}.\nClass label was {sample[2]} but must be between 0 and {num_classes}") else: for sample in data: sample[2] = list(map(int, sample[2])) test = np.array(sample[2]) if np.any(test < 0) or np.any(test >= num_classes): raise ValueError(f"Invalid class label on entry {sample[0]}.\nClass labels must be between 0 and {num_classes}") return data
[docs]class SequenceDataset(Dataset): """A PyTorch-compatible dataset containing sequences and values Stores a collection of sequences as tensors along with their corresponding target values. This class is designed to be provided to PyTorch Dataloaders. Attributes ---------- data : list of lists Each inner list represents a single sequence in the dataset and should have the format: [seqID, sequence, value(s)] encoding_scheme : str Description of how an amino acid sequence should be encoded as a numeric vector. Providing a string other than 'onehot', 'biophysics', or 'user' will produce unintended consequences. encoder: UserEncoder object, optional If encoding_scheme is 'user', encoder should be a UserEncoder object that can convert amino acid sequences to numeric vectors. If encoding_scheme is not 'user', use None. """ def __init__(self, data, subset=np.array([]), encoding_scheme='onehot', encoder=None): """ Parameters ---------- data : list of lists Each inner list represents a single sequence in the dataset and should have the format: [seqID, sequence, value(s)] subset : numpy int array, optional Array containing the indices of `data` that are to be a part of this dataset. Providing an empty array causes all of `data` to be integrated into the dataset (default is empty array). encoding_scheme : str Description of how an amino acid sequence should be encoded as a numeric vector. Providing a string other than 'onehot', 'biophysics', or 'user' will produce unintended consequences. encoder : UserEncoder object, optional If encoding_scheme is 'user', encoder should be a UserEncoder object that can convert amino acid sequences to numeric vectors. If encoding_scheme is not 'user', use None. """ self.encoding_scheme = encoding_scheme self.encoder = encoder if len(subset) == 0: = data else: all_data = data = [all_data[x] for x in subset] def __len__(self): """Get the number of sequences in this dataset.""" return len( def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get the sequence and values of a specified index. Converts a string sequence to an encoded numeric vector. Parameters ---------- idx : int, optional Index of the desired sequence Returns ------- tuple a tuple of a name, sequence vector and its corresponding values """ if torch.is_tensor(idx): idx = idx.tolist() if self.encoding_scheme == 'onehot': sequence_vector = encode_sequence.one_hot([idx][1]) elif self.encoding_scheme == 'biophysics': sequence_vector = encode_sequence.biophysics([idx][1]) elif self.encoding_scheme == 'user': sequence_vector = self.encoder.encode([idx][1]) name =[idx][0] value =[idx][2] sample = (name, sequence_vector, value) return sample
[docs]def seq_class_collate(batch): """Collates sequences and their values into a batch Transforms a collection of tuples of sequence vectors and values into a single tuple by stacking along a newly-created batch dimension. This function is specifically designed for classification problems with sequence-mapped data. Parameters ---------- batch : list A list of tuples of the form (sequence_vector, target_value(s)) Returns ------- tuple a tuple with concatenated names, sequence_vectors and target_values """ names = [item[0] for item in batch] orig_seq_vectors = [item[1] for item in batch] orig_targets = [item[2] for item in batch] longest_seq = len(max(orig_seq_vectors, key=lambda x: len(x))) padded_seq_vectors = np.zeros([len(orig_seq_vectors), longest_seq, len(orig_seq_vectors[0][0])]) for i, j in enumerate(orig_seq_vectors): padded_seq_vectors[i][0:len(j)] = j padded_seq_vectors = torch.FloatTensor(padded_seq_vectors) targets = torch.LongTensor(orig_targets) return (names, padded_seq_vectors, targets)
[docs]def seq_regress_collate(batch): """Collates sequences and their values into a batch Transforms a collection of tuples of sequence vectors and values into a single tuple by stacking along a newly-created batch dimension. This function is specifically designed for regression problems with sequence-mapped data. Parameters ---------- batch : list A list of tuples of the form (sequence_vector, target_value(s)) Returns ------- tuple a tuple with concatenated names, sequence_vectors and target_value """ names = [item[0] for item in batch] orig_seq_vectors = [item[1] for item in batch] orig_targets = [[item[2]]for item in batch] longest_seq = len(max(orig_seq_vectors, key=lambda x: len(x))) padded_seq_vectors = np.zeros([len(orig_seq_vectors), longest_seq, len(orig_seq_vectors[0][0])]) for i, j in enumerate(orig_seq_vectors): padded_seq_vectors[i][0:len(j)] = j padded_seq_vectors = torch.FloatTensor(padded_seq_vectors) targets = torch.FloatTensor(orig_targets) return (names, padded_seq_vectors, targets)
[docs]def res_class_collate(batch): """Collates sequences and their values into a batch Transforms a collection of tuples of sequence vectors and values into a single tuple by stacking along a newly-created batch dimension. This function is specifically designed for classification problems with residue-mapped data. To account for sequences with different lengths, all sequence vectors are zero- padded to the length of the longest sequence in the batch Parameters ---------- batch : list A list of tuples of the form (sequence_vector, target_value(s)) Returns ------- tuple a tuple with concatenated names, sequence_vectors and target_values """ names = [item[0] for item in batch] orig_seq_vectors = [item[1] for item in batch] orig_targets = [item[2] for item in batch] longest_seq = len(max(orig_seq_vectors, key=lambda x: len(x))) padded_seq_vectors = np.zeros([len(orig_seq_vectors), longest_seq, len(orig_seq_vectors[0][0])]) padded_targets = np.zeros([len(orig_targets), longest_seq]) for i, j in enumerate(orig_seq_vectors): padded_seq_vectors[i][0:len(j)] = j for i, j in enumerate(orig_targets): padded_targets[i][0:len(j)] = j padded_seq_vectors = torch.FloatTensor(padded_seq_vectors) padded_targets = torch.LongTensor(padded_targets) return (names, padded_seq_vectors, padded_targets)
[docs]def res_regress_collate(batch): """Collates sequences and their values into a batch Transforms a collection of tuples of sequence vectors and values into a single tuple by stacking along a newly-created batch dimension. This function is specifically designed for regression problems with residue-mapped data. To account for sequences with different lengths, all sequence vectors are zero- padded to the length of the longest sequence in the batch Parameters ---------- batch : list A list of tuples of the form (sequence_vector, target_value(s)) Returns ------- tuple a tuple with concatenated names, sequence_vectors and target_values """ names = [item[0] for item in batch] orig_seq_vectors = [item[1] for item in batch] orig_targets = [item[2] for item in batch] longest_seq = len(max(orig_seq_vectors, key=lambda x: len(x))) padded_seq_vectors = np.zeros([len(orig_seq_vectors), longest_seq, len(orig_seq_vectors[0][0])]) padded_targets = np.zeros([len(orig_targets), longest_seq]) for i, j in enumerate(orig_seq_vectors): padded_seq_vectors[i][0:len(j)] = j for i, j in enumerate(orig_targets): padded_targets[i][0:len(j)] = j padded_seq_vectors = torch.FloatTensor(padded_seq_vectors) padded_targets = torch.FloatTensor(padded_targets).view( (len(padded_targets), len(padded_targets[0]), 1)) return (names, padded_seq_vectors, padded_targets)
[docs]def vector_split(v, fraction): """Split a vector randomly by a specified proportion Randomly divide the values of a vector into two, non-overlapping smaller vectors. The proportions of the two vectors will be `fraction` and (1 - `fraction`). Parameters ---------- v : numpy array The vector to divide fraction : float Size proportion for the returned vectors. Should be in the range [0-1]. Returns ------- numpy array a subset of `v` of length `fraction` * len(v) (rounding up) numpy array a subset of `v` of length (1-`fraction`) * len(v). """ segment1 = np.random.choice(v, size=math.ceil(fraction*len(v)), replace=False) segment1.sort() segment2 = np.setdiff1d(v, segment1, assume_unique=True) return segment1, segment2
[docs]def read_split_file(split_file): """Read in a split_file Parameters ---------- split_file : str Path to a whitespace-separated splitfile Returns ------- numpy int array an array of the indices for the training set samples numpy int array an array of the indices for the validation set samples numpy int array an array of the indices for the testing set samples """ with open(split_file) as f: lines = [line.rstrip().split() for line in f] training_samples = np.array([int(i) for i in lines[0]]) val_samples = np.array([int(i) for i in lines[1]]) test_samples = np.array([int(i) for i in lines[2]]) return training_samples, val_samples, test_samples
[docs]def split_data(data_file, datatype, problem_type, num_classes, excludeSeqID=False, split_file=None, encoding_scheme='onehot', encoder=None, percent_val=0.15, percent_test=0.15, ignoreWarnings=False, save_splits_output=None): """Divide a datafile into training, validation, and test datasets Takes in a datafile and specification of the data format and the machine learning problem, and returns PyTorch-compatible Dataset objects for the training, validation and test sets of the data. The user may optionally specify how the dataset should be split into these subsets, as well as how protein sequences should be encoded as numeric vectors. Parameters ---------- data_file : str Path to the datafile containing sequences and corresponding values datatype : str Format of the values within `data_file`. Should be 'sequence' if the `data_file` contains a single value per sequence, or 'residues' if it contains a value for each residue per sequence. problem_type : str The machine learning task to be addressed. Should be either 'regression' or 'classification'. excludeSeqID : bool, optional Flag that indicates how `data_file` is formatted. If False (default), then each line in the file should begin with a column containing a sequence ID. If True, then the datafile will not have this ID column, and will begin with the protein sequence. split_file : str, optional Path to a file containing information on how to divide the data into training, validation and test datasets. Default is None, which will cause the data to be divided randomly, with proportions based on `percent_val` and `percent_test`. If `split_file` is provided it must contain 3 lines in the file, corresponding to the training, validation and test sets. Each line should have whitespace-separated integer indices which correspond to lines in `data_file`. encoding_scheme : str, optional The method to be used for encoding protein sequences as numeric vectors. Currently 'onehot' and 'biophysics' are implemented (default is 'onehot'). encoder: UserEncoder object, optional If encoding_scheme is 'user', encoder should be a UserEncoder object that can convert amino acid sequences to numeric vectors. If encoding_scheme is not 'user', use None. percent_val : float, optional If `split_file` is not provided, the fraction of the data that should be randomly assigned to the validation set. Should be in the range [0-1] (default is 0.15). percent_test : float, optional If `split_file` is not provided, the fraction of the data that should be randomly assigned to the test set. Should be in the range [0-1] (default is 0.15). The proportion of the training set will be calculated by the difference between 1 and the sum of `percent_val` and `percent_train`, so these should not sum to be greater than 1. ignoreWarnings : bool, optional If False, assess the structure and balance of the provided dataset with basic heuristics and display warnings for common issues. save_splits_output : str, optional Location where the train / val / test splits for this run should be saved Returns ------- SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the training set sequences and values SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the validation set sequences and values SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the test set sequences and values """ data = parse_file(data_file, datatype, problem_type, num_classes, excludeSeqID=excludeSeqID, ignoreWarnings=ignoreWarnings) num_samples = len(data) if split_file == None: percent_train = 1 - percent_val - percent_test all_samples = np.arange(num_samples) training_samples, val_test_samples = vector_split(all_samples, percent_train) # Repeat procedure to split val and test sets val_test_fraction = percent_val / (percent_val + percent_test) val_samples, test_samples = vector_split(val_test_samples, val_test_fraction) # Generate datasets using these random partitions train_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=training_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) val_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=val_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) test_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=test_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) if save_splits_output != None: # Save train/val/test splits with open(save_splits_output, 'w') as out: out.write(" ".join(np.sort(training_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") out.write(" ".join(np.sort(val_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") out.write(" ".join(np.sort(test_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") else: training_samples, val_samples, test_samples = read_split_file(split_file) # Generate datasets using the provided partitions train_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=training_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) val_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=val_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) test_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=test_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) return train_set, val_set, test_set
[docs]def split_data_cv(data_file, datatype, problem_type, num_classes, excludeSeqID=False, split_file=None, encoding_scheme='onehot', encoder=None, percent_val=0.15, percent_test=0.15, n_folds=5, ignoreWarnings=False, save_splits_output=None): """Divide a datafile into training, val, test and 5 cross-val datasets. Takes in a datafile and specification of the data format and the machine learning problem, and returns PyTorch-compatible Dataset objects for the training, validation, test and cross-validation sets of the data. The user may optionally specify how the dataset should be split into these subsets, as well as how protein sequences should be encoded as numeric vectors. Parameters ---------- data_file : str Path to the datafile containing sequences and corresponding values datatype : str Format of the values within `data_file`. Should be 'sequence' if the `data_file` contains a single value per sequence, or 'residues' if it contains a value for each residue per sequence. problem_type : str The machine learning task to be addressed. Should be either 'regression' or 'classification'. excludeSeqID : bool, optional Flag that indicates how `data_file` is formatted. If False (default), then each line in the file should begin with a column containing a sequence ID. If True, then the datafile will not have this ID column, and will begin with the protein sequence. split_file : str, optional Path to a file containing information on how to divide the data into training, validation and test datasets. Default is None, which will cause the data to be divided randomly, with proportions based on `percent_val` and `percent_test`. If `split_file` is provided it must contain 3 lines in the file, corresponding to the training, validation and test sets. Each line should have whitespace-separated integer indices which correspond to lines in `data_file`. encoding_scheme : str, optional The method to be used for encoding protein sequences as numeric vectors. Currently 'onehot' and 'biophysics' are implemented (default is 'onehot'). encoder: UserEncoder object, optional If encoding_scheme is 'user', encoder should be a UserEncoder object that can convert amino acid sequences to numeric vectors. If encoding_scheme is not 'user', use None. percent_val : float, optional If `split_file` is not provided, the fraction of the data that should be randomly assigned to the validation set. Should be in the range [0-1] (default is 0.15). percent_test : float, optional If `split_file` is not provided, the fraction of the data that should be randomly assigned to the test set. Should be in the range [0-1] (default is 0.15). The proportion of the training set will be calculated by the difference between 1 and the sum of `percent_val` and `percent_train`, so these should not sum to be greater than 1. n_folds : int, optional Number of folds for cross-validation (default is 5). ignoreWarnings : bool, optional If False, assess the structure and balance of the provided dataset with basic heuristics and display warnings for common issues. save_splits_output : str, optional Location where the train / val / test splits for this run should be saved Returns ------- list of tuples of SequenceDataset objects a list of tuples of length `n_folds`. Each tuple contains the training and validation datasets for one of the cross-val folds. SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the training set sequences and values SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the validation set sequences and values SequenceDataset object a dataset containing the test set sequences and values """ data = parse_file(data_file, datatype, problem_type, num_classes, excludeSeqID=excludeSeqID, ignoreWarnings=ignoreWarnings) n_samples = len(data) # Initial step: split into training, val, and test sets if split_file == None: percent_train = 1 - percent_val - percent_test all_samples = np.arange(n_samples) training_samples, val_test_samples = vector_split(all_samples, percent_train) # Repeat procedure to split val and test sets val_test_fraction = percent_val / (percent_val + percent_test) val_samples, test_samples = vector_split(val_test_samples, val_test_fraction) # Generate datasets using these random partitions train_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=training_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) val_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=val_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) test_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=test_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) if save_splits_output != None: # Save train/val/test splits with open(save_splits_output, 'w') as out: out.write(" ".join(np.sort(training_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") out.write(" ".join(np.sort(val_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") out.write(" ".join(np.sort(test_samples).astype('str'))) out.write("\n") # If provided, split datasets according to split_file else: training_samples, val_samples, test_samples = read_split_file(split_file) # Generate datasets using the provided partitions train_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=training_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) val_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=val_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) test_set = SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=test_samples, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder) # Second step: combine train and val samples, and split evenly into n_folds cv_samples = np.append(training_samples, val_samples) np.random.shuffle(cv_samples) # Shuffle train and val to avoid bias # Split into n_folds cv_samples = np.array_split(cv_samples, n_folds) # cv_sets will be a list of tuples: (fold_k_train_dataset, fold_k_test_dataset) cv_sets = [] for i in range(len(cv_samples)): cv_test = cv_samples[i] cv_train = np.array([], dtype=int) for j in range(len(cv_samples)): if j != i: cv_train = np.append(cv_train, cv_samples[j]) cv_train.sort() cv_test.sort() # Tuple of cross val train and test sets cv_sets.append((SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=cv_train, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder), SequenceDataset(data=data, subset=cv_test, encoding_scheme=encoding_scheme, encoder=encoder))) return cv_sets, train_set, val_set, test_set